Friday, December 12, 2008

make your bottle pop

i just watched this chinese video mel showed me that showed 11 year old gurls dancing derogatorily to this PCD song. what exactly does bottle refer to? my hypothesis grossed mel out. well i think its really sad little gurls are acting like this. what kinda parents allow their daughters to let their "bottle" pop on national tv? okay- mel just showed me a even more disturbing video. chinese guys dressing up in make up and mini-skirts cause they want to prove that guys can be sexy too. wtf? so you need to dress up as gurl to feel sexy?

immuno. done.


pamplemousse said...

What is your hypothesis?

mystic swan said...

take a wild guess.
they aren't that many possibilities, really.

pamplemousse said...

No, tell me. What is the metaphorical bottle cap?

mystic swan said...

its bottle pop not bottle cap
get it straight, la nina

pamplemousse said...

I know. I want to know what the bottle cap is. The bottle pops when the cap falls pops off right?