Tuesday, December 30, 2008


i hate the holidays. i just like the idea of them. they are so dreadfully boring. esp right now. i want to be in my room in hamilton studying for a midterm. how sad is that?
i finished the stupid twilight books.
they are indeed stupid and renesmee speaks for herself.

Friday, December 19, 2008

poker face

today was a snowstorm. about 15 cm of snow came down. and i had to shovel. with my sis. and there were those automatic shovel car thingys rite next to us. grrr. i finished reading twilight and new moon. i guess i do like edward because i was so bored with jacobs presence in new moon. I am bored right now. which is why i am updating. spending too much time in my room. i should be out there falling, cliff diving- doing all things reckless in hopes of a vampire/werewolf noticing me.. if only I had that crooked smile of Edwards. o bella. you are so cool!(NOT!) me christine karim and my sis had one our 4 ways again. not that interesting as the topic was university and somehow lead into greatest weaknesess. miguel= mccail. ahh poor kid. i wonder what christine did to him when they were left alone in the convo... even more poor kid. i pity the foo' thats alone with christine in a chat room.. she did wanna see his photo... apparently wanted to put a face to his voice...hmmm... hope hes alrite! amoxicillin.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i should tell you

home for the holidays. yipee. except that i spend all of yday in the hosp. i hate going to hospitals. its full of stress and tenseness. to me at least, but what situation to me isn't? i think i may have anxiety disorder. dr.day posted up the exam averages and 30 percent of the class got an A! thats pretty good for dr.days class. he is going to be posting up individauls marks tomm. and marks on mugsi go up today but i cant get it in. I wannnaaaaaaa know!!!

its snowing out. but i don't like it here. i was so happy when it snowed in hamilton but then again i didn't have to drive in hamilton. i just realize the annoyance of snow more here. and i don't care about the benefits.

i am reading twilight. i don't i think i expected this huge dramatic love story that will draw you in. it wasn't. like it was just like the movie. the movies was pretty good in relation to the book. Usually the movies sucks exponentially in relation to the book but the suckyness factor for the movie was not bad, considering the suckyness of the book, if ya know what i mean.

Like all I get from the book (only half done), is that Edward is obsessed with Bella. Kinda reminds me of Spencer from the Hills. Funny my 6 year old cousin is reading Twilight and was surprised when i told him that it was a love story and that Edward was a vampire. Cutie. Also, my 11 year cousin has a blog! He uses wordpress and his first post was a shout out to his fans! What fans may I ask? He posts up tips for gaming sites? This is the cousin that wants to be a meteorologist and is damn good at it. He even knew about tornado's and hurricanes and cold fronts! natural disaster would have been a breeze for him.. so random though.. who wants to become a meteorologists when they are kids and actually takes it seriously enough to research it? I loved his quote " Grade 5 is getting really complex" hahahahahhaha
I guess the fact that Edward is this big, strong and powerful vampire but he becomes so weak with Bella makes him the perfect man. I don't really see it that way- I mean I did find some of the things he did nice but I wasn't really captured by it. I guess if I read the book alone, without any bias going into it it would be different but as on now- I find him an obsessed freak .

get well soon, christine!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Precession of the equinoxes

for now
padden is amazingly nice. copied and pasted the sample qs
dexter is hot.

Friday, December 12, 2008

make your bottle pop

i just watched this chinese video mel showed me that showed 11 year old gurls dancing derogatorily to this PCD song. what exactly does bottle refer to? my hypothesis grossed mel out. well i think its really sad little gurls are acting like this. what kinda parents allow their daughters to let their "bottle" pop on national tv? okay- mel just showed me a even more disturbing video. chinese guys dressing up in make up and mini-skirts cause they want to prove that guys can be sexy too. wtf? so you need to dress up as gurl to feel sexy?

immuno. done.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

you rock my world

i have rediscovered mj's invincible album. i used to love it even though everyone said all the tracks sounded the same and they kinda do but they songs are catchy. I have one minute left in my break so i better make this quick. cant think of anything rite now. bye

Monday, December 8, 2008


if i were ever to join a cult, it would be eckancker or Transcendental meditation. For review our prof asked us to create our own cult and design our recruitment methods, etc. mine is called the seer of swift. that is all for now. too lazy to write more. big day tomm.

Friday, December 5, 2008

never thought you would become the one i never had....

finished my Japanese exam. yay - only 4 more excruciating exams to go. actually i don't mind writing exams that much. You feel this intense concentration and you can just focus and the pressure is on you and you feel very productive at the end. And a sense of relief. ( if the exam went well). I had fun writing my Japanese one. I love my prof- I was so relaxed cause I knew that he would not trick us. Everything was straight forward. Its hard to come by those kind of exams in university. And he gave us bonus questions - What is the phrase your social window is showing mean in Japanese? A: Your fly is down. Why is there no 4th floor in Japanese buildings? Because the word 4 in Japanese sounds like death. What do the Japanese traditionally do for Christmas? Date night- take your sweetie out to dinner.
I'm surprised about how much I liked this course. It was pretty much a random course I took last minute because I realized Religion in Modern Literature was wayyy hard. Omg so glad I did not take that. Saw this cute guy at the bus stop that was asking about bus times. Now to study for cults and immuno and psych and nat dis. NO!.
I feel a bit lost in the world.
I guess I can just study and forget about it. I don't have time to think.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i got it from my mama

baby where you get your body from?? all this stuff right here... i got all this from my mama.
I cant believe im listening to this song. If here mamma real ugly, she gonna ugly like her mamma. I don't he has taken a statistics course. I heard that Lil Wayne was doing Psych at university. thats funny.

You know what else is funny. Christine found a I heart Ashkar on the desk. garr shaz. i totally thought i overwrote her. you know what else i found really disturbing. during immuno our prof rosenthal showed us an immuno animation with a voiceover of a female. And the entire he was smiling, so I thought that he was really excited about it. But at the end he says " Wow, she sounds really hot- I would listen to that all night long" Ewww- don't want to know about the sexual tendencies of immuno profs. gross. I thought he was a good prof too. This ruins it.

I need to studyy!!!! Japanese exam friday. bye.